Contact Information



If you have links to relevant, published, credible news reports to share, please send them here. Thank you very much to those who have already sent links that I have been able to usefully cite.

Time constraints and other concerns usually prevent me from replying to emails seeking advice about particular situations. My general advice, for what it’s worth, is already posted on this website.

Mission Statement

Fight Gang Stalking is a non-profit website, which seeks to expose the use of illegal counterintelligence tactics against American citizens by corrupt U.S. intelligence and law enforcement agencies and private security-intelligence contractors.

About Me

I’m a former member of the U.S. military, and I spent years working in the corporate security industry. I also have first-hand experience as a target of the kind of illegal harassment described on this website. Although I encourage skepticism for anyone evaluating any information, I hope that readers are able to get a sense of the plausibility of what I say here by considering the website in its totality.

Be warned, however, that I belong to a radical fringe group, called “the majority of Americans” – whose members believe that our nation’s government is more of a threat to Americans’ rights than it is a defender of Americans’ rights.

“…54% [of likely U.S. voters] consider the federal government today a threat to individual liberty rather than a protector. Just 22% see the government as a protector of individual rights…”

– Rasmussen poll, April 2014

“According to a CNN/ORC International poll, 13 percent of Americans say they trust the federal government to do what is right at least most of the time, the lowest figure recorded in more than 55 years of reporting.”

– Politico, August 2014

Unauthorized versions of this website

Currently, I do not post material associated with this website on any other websites – including social media platforms, such as Facebook, YouTube, or Twitter. Any references to this website that you might see elsewhere were not created by me.

Traffic to this website

This website went online in May 2013.

Total visits, as of May 31, 2017:  404,709


Thank you to the person whose ongoing correspondence deepens and sharpens what is presented here (you know who you are). Your personal experience, editorial judgment, research, proofreading skills, and friendship, have been invaluable to me. This website’s goal – attempting to fill the huge gap in America’s investigative journalism about this topic – has been advanced enormously by your contributions, and I will be forever grateful.


If you can help expose illegal spying and harassment of Americans by intelligence agencies, law enforcement agencies, and private security contractors, please do so. America needs more patriots like Daniel Ellsberg, Edward Snowden, Jeremy Hammond, Barrett Brown, Russell Tice, William Binney, Ray McGovern, Thomas Drake, Frank Serpico, Thomas Tamm, Hugh Thompson, Jr., William C. Davidon, John Raines, Bonnie Raines, Keith Forsyth, Judi Feingold, and Bob Williamson.

Anti Nazi image




This website is dedicated to Carla – who understood perfectly the need to confront evil, and had the courage that requires. Her assistance was critical to building this website, and her death was a loss to everyone who cares about exposing crimes by corporate and government security-intelligence personnel.